Week one

Starting a new adventure this week. It’s one I’ve been hoping for and dreaming about. Writing out the Blueprint Builder I felt like I am exactly where I want to be. I’m on the path I’ve been looking for and I’m so grateful that I’m going to do everything I can to keep moving forward with MKE. It’s already Friday and I’m excited to start my DMP. I’m ready to let go of all my fears and take this leap of faith. I feel the strength of this program and the deep seated recognition of the truth as I read the workbook and questions. This turbulent sensation of anticipation, excitement, fear and delightful gratitude fills me with hope and faith. My purpose will make itself known to me as I continue to make myself available and open; I am ready to receive, transmute, share and serve however it best serves this beautiful and perfect universe. I feel honoured and blessed with connection and opportunity. Even as I write this I feel empowered and motivated as I consider the words I’ve read in the workbook and the recognition I felt in my body. Everywhere I’ve been and everyone I’ve met has led me to this moment. Today I’m ready to change and grow and live my best life as the best version of myself. So very grateful for the guidance, I will willingly accept what I need and trust I will continue to recognize the truth when I hear it.